6 Messages


300 Points

Thursday, August 4th, 2022 5:36 PM

Link to asset

When creating a “Link to asset”, Collibra uses the asset’s data-ids. But when one migrates from DEV to PROD, the data-ids don’t match so the Link to asset in the PROD environment is invalid. It points to a data-id that doesn’t exist.
If there any way to use the fullname of the asset which match both environment,

1.2K Messages

2 years ago

Sure @raul.martinez . It all depends about what you want to do and how you want to do it.
Collibra can use multiple identifiers:

  • asset ID
  • asset full name + domain ID
  • asset full name + domain name + community ID
  • asset full name + domain name + community name
  • Mapping name + mapping value

It makes things a bit complex, rather than just using a urn, which would contain all the information in one single value, but well… It works.

6 Messages


300 Points

2 years ago

Thank you @arthur.burkhardt for you reply.
What I’m trying to do is trying to avoid the manually re-linking of any asset linked to other asset using “Link to assets” on the DEV environment when those link are migrated to the PRODuction environment. If you see the code in DEV, the link code use the asset ID from the DEV environment. But when that code is migrated to PROD that asset ID doesn’t exist in PROD.
Also, could you please provide the HTML code system for the different option you mentioned. The example I’m use below if the “source code” on a column’s description:

This is an example: person_id

Note the parameter ids is about I'm talking about, that value exist in DEV but not in PROD.

1.2K Messages

Ahhh… ok @raul.martinez
Do I understand correctly that you are trying to update the hyperlinks to assets within a description?
I thought you meant relations to other assets.

Indeed, difficult situation.

  • You can force the asset ID by migrating the assets with APIs (I’d have to check which APIs allow to preserve IDs, the excel import definitely does not allow it)
  • You might create a script to build maps of assets in dev and prod, then replace all IDs from one to the other. Definitely a messy situation.

In any way, we can only recognize the complexity of working with UUIDs rather than using Uniform Resource Name.
It would be really nice to be able to reference resources using something like




664 Messages


10.6K Points

@arthur.burkhardt Is this an Ideation candidate? @ann.wuyts

160 Messages


1.4K Points

Yep, Uniform Resource Name would be an interesting one. ‘Permalinking’ assets is one case, more descriptive URL paths would be another one. Although there would be challenges as well – as asset names can change as well.

But it would be great to have an :bulb: for this where can consider possible use cases and pros and cons.
