Wednesday, April 7th, 2021 9:00 AM

Technical Lineage issues with Snowflake

My use case is to connect to Snowflake and get the technical lineage information and publish in collibra.
I’ve configured the lineage harvester tool as per documentation provided on link(https://productresources.collibra.com/docs/cloud-user/2020.12/Content/CollibraDataLineage/TechnicalLineage/InstallationAndConfiguration/ta_prepare-config-file.htm)

Now when I run the harvester tool, in the show lineage tab of asset I see below parsing error.
'[msg-P00452]: Nothing to process here (input was null) A common cause is that the Harvester’s SQL user doesn’t have the right permissions"

Did anyone faced such issue? Happy to know how to resolve such issue?

1.2K Messages

3 years ago

Nope, not working on lineage in snowflake at the moment.
Have you already reached out to support and maybe coaching?

1.2K Messages

3 years ago

We experienced similar issues. What we found was the user account that was created for us to use inside of Collibra Lineage Harvester kept using the default role not the role that has Admin privilege’s. When the DBA logged in as the account the SQL scripts worked - but it would not work from within the Lineage Harvester tool. The solution was to set the accounts’ default role to be the proper role for that system account. (I am not 100% certain I explained it properly here but that is what I interpreted from the DBA.) basically make sure the role can access the AdminDatabase in Snowflake.

262 Messages

2 years ago

Hi Brian,
May I know how does the technical lineage harvester for Snowflake work after we provide the connection details to it?
Does it read table & view definitions and generate links/dependencies among those objects?
What if there are 4 schemas in a snowflake database and I just keep transferring data from one schema to another schema through a parameterized/metadata driven stored procedure? That is, there is no SQL code for lineage harvester to parse and understand links across those 4 schemas.
Will lineage harvester be able to do name matching of tables/columns across those 4 schemas & simply generate lineage (of course no transformation details to show)…

1.2K Messages

@noor.shaik - I realized that this discussion got dropped. Did you ever get things working?
