Sunday, May 12th, 2024 4:38 PM

Add dynamic data in Select dropdown using workflow designer

How do i configure or assign dynamic object in the select dropdown. I can able add static data only. Please give the simple example.

26 Messages


1.8K Points

7 months ago

62 Messages


755 Points

5 months ago

The script task would need to create a list of map of the allowed values

For example, to gather the allowed Values of the OOTB Priority Attribute Type:

execution.setVariable('allowedValuesPriority', attributeTypeApi.getAttributeTypeByName('Priority').getAllowedValues().collect{[text: it, value: it]})

The form configuration would look like this:

Hope this helps

9 Messages


1.7K Points

This is API based population of the map (for the list of available selectoion options) is a great way of keeping your workflow up to date as possible values expands.  On the flip side, the code would need to be reviewed for impacts for values that were not present when the code was written.
