8 Messages
405 Points
How to create dynamic fields in Workflow Designer
I want to create a form in Workflow Designer where it will have 4 fields in it.
1. To select the System
2. To select the Database
3. To select the Schema
4. To select the Table
But, when I select a System asset, the second field should only display the Database assets that are related to the selected System. The same goes for Schema and Table.
How do we achieve this in one form/user task?
29 Messages
1.9K Points
6 months ago
This might help you:
62 Messages
755 Points
6 months ago
You would need to have a script task gather ALL systems assets with databases, because if a system doesn't have any databases, then selecting that system doesn't really get you towards the table if theres not a database. The script task should then gather ALL databases (that have both belong to a system and contains schemas) and their schemas, then the script task should then gather ALL schemas (that have both belong to a database and contains tables) and their tables. The gathered values should be saved in a map, where the key is the asset uuid, and the value is the list of uuids for that key. - For example, you'll need a map for System to Database - where the key is the system id - and the values are the database asset ids.
Those would need to be saved as variables that the form can reference, so when a certain system is selected in the form, the calculated databases appear in the next drop down as options.
Hope this helps.