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XML Datatype within SQL database
We are trying to onboard a SQL source to Collibra containing XML datatype. Has anyone had any experience /success with successfully doing this using the Collibra SQL JDB driver?
Azure Data Lake template
I am trying to check if there are any users using the Azure Data Lake Template from the Marketplace. The Azure Data Lake platform has a bunch of sub-directories within its parent level directory and has multiple .csv files that requires a recursive discovery of data files for processing and ingesti
Technical: DQ Supported Data Types
Supported Data Types / General Q: What Types Of Data Sources Can Collibra DQ Clean? A: Collibra DQ Is Not A Cleansing Tool But Can Identify Issues Across Many Systems e.g. Hive, MongoDB, SAPHana, File Stores, etc. Supported Data Types / Unstructured Q: Do You Support Unstructured Data? A: If There I
Data Quality & Observability
Unable to catalog AVRO file on S3 bucket
We are trying to catalog AVRO file using the marketplace connector. The file is in S3 bucket hence we tried using the Secret Key and Access Key option as mentioned in the documentation but we are receiving following error Error during JDBC database connection: java.sql.SQLException: InvalidAccessKey
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