Wednesday, September 21st, 2022 12:10 PM

Which Collibra DQ Metastore tables are associated with Service Now?

Which Collibra DQ Metastore tables are associated with Service Now?
According to Péter Mikes, Software Engineer at Collibra Data Quality:

These are the tables/columns where we are storing data from ServiceNow:

  • external_service_configurations table: this is the place where we store all all the connection details to ServiceNOW, which had been configured on the Admin -> Assignment Queues page
  • assignment_q/assigment_q_audit table: if ServiceNOW configured
    • assigned_to column could contain the username/email of the user form ServiceNOW
    • assigned_to_groups column could contain the id/long_name of the ServiceNOW group
    • additional_fields column could contain key+value metadata pairs, which had been sent to ServiceNOW endpoint as-is
  • managed_assignment_q table: if ServiceNOW configured and any assignment had been validated with ServiceNOW queue selection
    • external_id column will contain the internal ID of the incident (uuid)
    • external_key column will contain the human readable ID of the incident (string, eg. INC0000532)

Continued response from Péter:
As I mentioned in my previous email, both assignment_q and assignment_q_audit table could contain ServiceNow-related information (when it is configured and at least one assignment had been Validated with ServiceNow setup):

assigned_to column could contain the username/email of the user form ServiceNOW
assigned_to_groups column could contain the id/long_name of the ServiceNOW group
additional_fields column could contain key + value metadata pairs, which had been sent to ServiceNow endpoint as-is

assignment_q: stores the current state of the assignment record

assignment_q_audit: stores an audit log list of an assignment record, having 1-1 new line after each modification of a related assignment_q (master) record.

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