Tuesday, June 29th, 2021 8:06 AM

controlled published assets workflow


I am trying to implement the ‘‘Controlled Published Assets’’ workflow but I am getting a task error: ''Error when completing workflow task ‘‘Edit Draft Asset’’.

When I looked for the logs, the error is : ‘‘No such property: processInstanceId’’

In the same time I have realized that when I look the documentation, these is how it is supposed to be:
1-Create a draft
2-Make changes
3-And in the draft version, click ‘‘submit for changes’’

However, this is my flow:

1-Create a draft
2-Make changes
3-Go back the main asset, and click ‘‘voting sub process for controlled publication’’
4-Answer some questions in this part (please see the screenshot below)
5-Then click to start approval process
6-The approval gets the info to approve then we are having an ProcessId error

I havent change anything in the market place workflow and documents, I just implemented it and this is the process which was created.

Has anyone had an idea what the issue might be?


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