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Accepted Solution
Technical Lineage Tab for Custom BI Report Asset Type
Is there a way to enable the Technical Lineage tab for custom BI Report Asset types? For example, we are building custom technical lineage for Oracle BI Reports (asset type that does not come OOTB) and we'd like to have this lineage viewable from the Oracle BI Report asset page instead of navigating
Use cases
Are table functions supported in Collibra's Technical Lineage?
Does anyone know (or currently use) if table functions are supported within Collibra's Technical Lineage functionality? We are planning to use Google BigQuery table-valued functions (TVFs), which basically use a select statement after the "CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE FUNCTION" statement. I believe Colli
Use cases
Failure to install the lineage harvester despite having the latest version of Java 17
Hello, I would like to make a demo to my client of the lineage harvester applied to Power BI reports. I downloaded the zip file here version 2024.05 However, I can't run the script to create an empty lineage harvester configuration file because Java 17 is not detected.&
BI Integrations
Collibra Edge Site and Lineage Harvest (Power BI) sitting on same VM/server?
Hello Collibra Folks, We’re looking to spin up an Edge Site on an Azure linux VM and would like to know whether we could also put our Power BI Lineage Harvester on the same VM. Can this be done and what considerations (scheduling, both use HTTPS over 443, etc.) should we take to ensure this function
Please Vote: Ideation to fix a technical lineage issue
Fellow Data Citizens, we are looking for help in moving forward an ideation. We have noticed an issue with technical lineage where relations are being deleted by the lineage harvesting process when the relationship type is the same as used by the lineage harvester. The Issue: When ingesting
COBOL Technical Lineage?
Hello everyone, This may sound like a weird quesiton, but do you know if you can ingest technical lineage through a cobol program like you can an ETL? The scenario I’m dealing with is we still use Mainframe for several applications and I have the DB2 tables connected to Collibra. The flow is incom
Lineage Harvester vs. Edge
Hi. I'm new to Collibra. Currently, we're using both Lineage Harvester and Edge for ingesting Technical lineage from various sources. Can anyone give me an idea what's the advantages and disadvantages of using Lineage Harvester vs Edge? I would like to know, based on your experience which one is bet