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I would recommend to use a custom Business asset to store the administrative areas. I would recommend against calling it “Country” or Geography", but you can find any name that fits your purpose. “Jurisdiction” is a good one. Then you would have a go

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Data Localization Metadata?

Curious if anyone out there is storing information about data localization - specifically information on where the data is located and any applicable localization laws that pertain to that location. We have a team of folks working through the current regulations and want to store the end results so


Yes @noor.shaik, All the previous instances of the workflow will refer to old version so we should cancel already existing workflow instances before deploying new version. This is expected behaviour.

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Workflows - Code change between runs

Hi all I triggered a workflow. It has got several tasks yet to complete within the workflow. I changed the code of the same workflow due to some reasons, deployed the workflow, and triggered a new run. I notice the workflow instance which was started already is somehow making use of few variables fr


Hello , Thanks for trying the Spring Boot Talend Data Quality to Collibra integration. It seems that the error was encountered when triggering the integration through the HTTP endpoint. Regarding setting the required proper

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Having trouble launching the Talend-Data-Quality-collibra-integration SpringBoot integration app while connected to collibra.

Getting below during the spring boot application launch Caused by: com.collibra.marketplace.library.integration.exception.CollibraIntegrationLibraryException: {“message”:“An unexpected error occurred during execution.”,“details”:“


Hello Team, We did the change. Metadata from Denodo application is getting ingested but we did not see any complex relations and lineage for the assets ingested. On investigating the Collibra logs we got multiple errors :- Error 1 - 2022-04-04 12:24:

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Denodo Collibra Spring Boot Integration Build error

Hello I am trying to use the Denodo Collibra Spring boot Integration When i try to build the POM, it shows multiple errors on various methods like below :- “Method getCollibraCommunityName() is undefined for type Applicationconfig” Here are the steps i have followed so far - Installed Java 1.8 Ins


Ah, finally got one working: Task started at ${execution.startTime}

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Display timestamp in workflow task description

Here is a challenge for all workflow development enthusiasts Imagine there is a workflow with 5 tasks in it. Is it possible to display the timestamp of the workflow start in the description of the first task ((see below screenshot just as an example from OOTB workflow)) There is a workflow that ca


Given that edge can run on EKS, I guess it could run on AKS too? (Azure kubernetes service) Probably a coaching session could help there. I see you’ve already commented on ideation platform, so let’s see if there is better compatibility with Azure/Mi

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Running Edge on WSL/EFLOW

Hey everyone! My company is a Windows shop, as I’ve seen on other threads we aren’t the only ones who were unaware of the eventual obsolescence of Windows for the Collibra Cloud migration in favor of Linux RHEL/CentOS. We are limited in what Linux environments we can use, that is to say preferably z


Indeed, no official way to get the APIs. You can still extract it from the DGC war, but it’s a bit of a hassle. Probably a good idea to suggest it on the ideation platform: Ideation Platform – Collibra | Product Resource Center

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Help with Catalog API dgc-catalog--api.jar

Hello, I would like to download Catalog API Jar (dgc-catalog--api.jar) file and import to my java application. Could you please share details on where can we download CatalogAPI I am able to see the dgc-core-api jar in collibra downloads 2022.02 – Collibra | Product Resource Center However dgc catal


If you want users to type freetext, you should use string. You can use the “Documentation” to provide some guidance with bullet points If you want a picklist value, then you can use the “enum” field type. All form property types are available here: W

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Workflow Form - Attribute value suggestion in a text field

Hi all, There exists a field of “string” type in a workflow form. As the user types a value there, I want to suggest the values of that field by looking up an attribute value of an asset. I looked at the workflows documentation, and configured the field the below way but it does not work. Against “t


There is the typical use case of using a data catalog to identify the important data to migrate first, dependencies, etc. But if you will use none of that, I think it can be easier to just focus on the new data source. Anyways, the two data sources s

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Recommendation for integrating data sources which will be going away in one year

Are there any recommendations or pro’s vs cons that can be shared from cataloging assets that we know will go away in less than 1 year. As a generic example, take the case of someone migrating data assets to a new go forward platform. For a period of time there will be some duplication between the


Hum, interesting… I assumed the configuration variables were instantiated at the start of the workflow and not changed after. Do you have a test use case to demonstrate this issue?

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Workflows - Code change between runs

Hi all I triggered a workflow. It has got several tasks yet to complete within the workflow. I changed the code of the same workflow due to some reasons, deployed the workflow, and triggered a new run. I notice the workflow instance which was started already is somehow making use of few variables fr


@noor.shaik - I have the same issue

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:bulb: Ideation - 2022.03 Idea Highlights and 2021 Stats

One of your action items for Ideation was that you’d like to see the impact of your ideas and votes, and when these are released. In this update you will find idea highlights from the 2022.03 release, noteworthy status updates and a brief overview of Ideation in 2021. Ideas in the 2022.03 release A


Hello, thanks for your feed back. It should be OK with your explanation. I will check this asap

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Read from a file and import into Collibra

Using the Collibra Integration Library set of Java classes to access to Collibra APIs, I’m trying to build custom API-based integrations around the Collibra platform. I would need some support to import code sets and code values properly using this template. Using the template available in the mark


Hi @kristen.freer , I’d like to provide more details about this I’m working on Talend Data Quality Integration v1.0.4 Java Spring Boot integration, which includes properties for interact

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Having trouble launching the Talend-Data-Quality-collibra-integration SpringBoot integration app while connected to collibra.

Getting below during the spring boot application launch Caused by: com.collibra.marketplace.library.integration.exception.CollibraIntegrationLibraryException: {“message”:“An unexpected error occurred during execution.”,“details”:“


Just pass whatever value you want to the votePercentage variable. It’s all documented in the votingSubProcess workflow.

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Voting Sub process Customized List

Hi Team, I have a scenario where I need to pass a custom list of users to the Voting Sub Process Activity. I could only find passing roles and groups in the Documentation. Is it possible to do so? In case then what would be the user expression to pass to the Call Activity. Thanks, Manoj


Hello Jean-Luc, Thanks for the confirming. Yes, the respective communities and domains should be created prior to triggering the integration. Additionally, if the created community and domain names are different than the default values, then the foll

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Read from a file and import into Collibra

Using the Collibra Integration Library set of Java classes to access to Collibra APIs, I’m trying to build custom API-based integrations around the Collibra platform. I would need some support to import code sets and code values properly using this template. Using the template available in the mark


Just comma delimited works fine. user(<username>),user(<username>),user(<username>)

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Voting Sub process Customized List

Hi Team, I have a scenario where I need to pass a custom list of users to the Voting Sub Process Activity. I could only find passing roles and groups in the Documentation. Is it possible to do so? In case then what would be the user expression to pass to the Call Activity. Thanks, Manoj


We currently have several Snowflake schemas & AWS Glue Catalog databases (imagine as S3) which we profile & store samples of once in a quarter via AWS based Jobserver. I recall the Snowflake schemas taking minimum 24 hours & maximum 3 day


2 years ago

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Data Profiling: performance and usability

We still make little use of data profiling. When performing a few tests, I was a bit disappointed with the performance of the local jobserver. Source Result 15.2MB parquet file (280MB csv file) After three hours: Out-of-memory error that crashed DGC 3MB csv file Still running after more than o
