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Hello, thanks for your feed back Yes this the [“Read from a file and import into Collibra”] Spring Boot integration template Your reply did helped, if I understand well, the relative communities and domains shall be created as first step prior to or

Read from a file and import into Collibra

Using the Collibra Integration Library set of Java classes to access to Collibra APIs, I’m trying to build custom API-based integrations around the Collibra platform. I would need some support to import code sets and code values properly using this template. Using the template available in the mark


Hello Arthur, Thanks for your input. Regarding BI Folder and BI Data Source, they were used as they are provided OOTB and do not require any creation of custom asset types. However, can do so. Regarding BI Data Source, it would represent Denodo data

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Denodo Sprinboot Integration

When trying out the Denodo Sprint Boot Application with a POST method http://localhost:8442/sync?denodoDatabase=admin We get a a failure response as below { “message”: “Internal error during execution.”, “exceptionMessage”: “{\”message\”:\”The Collibra Platform job did not complete successfully.\”,\


Hello Simar, Thanks for the information provided. It seems that the following IDs are not set correctly: DENODOVIEW_COMPLEXRELATION_SOURCE (“00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000031007”); DENODOVIEW_COMPLEXRELATION_TARGET (“00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000

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Denodo Collibra Spring Boot Integration Build error

Hello I am trying to use the Denodo Collibra Spring boot Integration When i try to build the POM, it shows multiple errors on various methods like below :- “Method getCollibraCommunityName() is undefined for type Applicationconfig” Here are the steps i have followed so far - Installed Java 1.8 Ins


That looks good! BI Folder: denodo is not a BI application, therefore this asset type does not make much sense. Likewise, what would be the significance of the BI data source? It is likely that the model for BI application is not quite the same as th

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Denodo Sprinboot Integration

When trying out the Denodo Sprint Boot Application with a POST method http://localhost:8442/sync?denodoDatabase=admin We get a a failure response as below { “message”: “Internal error during execution.”, “exceptionMessage”: “{\”message\”:\”The Collibra Platform job did not complete successfully.\”,\


You have a typo: responsabilityApi responsibilityApi You also have an a syntax error .resourceIds(tableId) .resourceIds([tableId]) And you should not import the APIs, they are already instantiated. For more info, I recommend this post: The best a

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Import responsability API for workflow

I am trying to run this part of the code responsabilityIds = responsabilityApi.findResponsibilities(FindResponsibilitiesRequest.builder() .resourceIds(tableId) .build()) getResults() with the import below import com.collibra.dgc.core.api.dto.instance.responsibility.FindResponsibilitiesRequest import


We are able to see some assets ingested in Collibra. But still received error on Relation does not exist. Validated all the UUIDs and assignments. Here is the snapshot of the code where we have defined the UUIDs - public enum AttributeType implements

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Denodo Collibra Spring Boot Integration Build error

Hello I am trying to use the Denodo Collibra Spring boot Integration When i try to build the POM, it shows multiple errors on various methods like below :- “Method getCollibraCommunityName() is undefined for type Applicationconfig” Here are the steps i have followed so far - Installed Java 1.8 Ins


Hello Arthur, Thanks for your feedback. Below is the updated metamodel diagram. Can you please review it and let us know what you think? Thank you

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Denodo Sprinboot Integration

When trying out the Denodo Sprint Boot Application with a POST method http://localhost:8442/sync?denodoDatabase=admin We get a a failure response as below { “message”: “Internal error during execution.”, “exceptionMessage”: “{\”message\”:\”The Collibra Platform job did not complete successfully.\”,\


Hello Jacky, Thanks for the update. Regarding the error encountered, can you please from the com.collibra.marketplace.cognos.component.CognosAuthentication class, line 50, replace: @Scheduled(fixedRateString = "... with: @Scheduled(fixedDelayString

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Cognos Collibra integration failed to connect to Cognos server with JSONException

When start the Cognos Integration component, we are getting JSONException JSONException : A JSONObject text must begin with ‘{‘ at 1 [character 2 line 1] throws from com.collibra.marketplace.cognos.component.CognosAuthentication.AuthRequired Any idea what could cause this issue?


Hello, Let me start by saying that every organization is different and has varying processes. Whatever model you choose, your business needs must drive the approach. Here in Collibra, we are deeply influenced by dat

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What is a typical person/department who takes the role of Community Manager?

Hi all, We are setting up our data governance organization and defining all the roles and responsibilities and map it to the current organization. During this we were wondering what is a typical place for a community manager? Is that mostly placed within the datamanagement office? IT? Or a business


Hello @fred.hedrington , Thanks for raising this question. While articulation score is really helpful for a quick guidance, for more comprehensive requirements we use asset statuses along with workflows. Our approach is very similar to yours, we have

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Policy monitoring certification

Hi team, By any chance can anyone tell me if they are adopting the ability or if Collibra has the functionality to track data certification levels or standards? I know there is an articulation score. I have a draft doc but wanted to see if others had some experience or ideas. What I am driving for i


Hello Simar, Regarding the following error, it seems that one of the relation types defined in the com.collibra.marketplace.denodo.util.CustomConstants class does not exist on the Collibra instance. No relation type matches the specified criteria Ca

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Denodo Collibra Spring Boot Integration Build error

Hello I am trying to use the Denodo Collibra Spring boot Integration When i try to build the POM, it shows multiple errors on various methods like below :- “Method getCollibraCommunityName() is undefined for type Applicationconfig” Here are the steps i have followed so far - Installed Java 1.8 Ins


Hello Arthur, Thanks for the update. Just to let you know that the complex relations fix will be included in the next version. Regarding point 1, can you please advise which domains are expected and which asset types they should contain? Meanwhile fo

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Denodo Sprinboot Integration

When trying out the Denodo Sprint Boot Application with a POST method http://localhost:8442/sync?denodoDatabase=admin We get a a failure response as below { “message”: “Internal error during execution.”, “exceptionMessage”: “{\”message\”:\”The Collibra Platform job did not complete successfully.\”,\


Hello Simar, Thanks for the confirmation. Regarding the debug logs, yes, can you please set lines 26 and 30 to DEBUG?

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Denodo Collibra Spring Boot Integration Build error

Hello I am trying to use the Denodo Collibra Spring boot Integration When i try to build the POM, it shows multiple errors on various methods like below :- “Method getCollibraCommunityName() is undefined for type Applicationconfig” Here are the steps i have followed so far - Installed Java 1.8 Ins


For reference, I gave up the initial ID generator implementation because changing configuration variables was updating workflows every time. Instead, I ended up just querying last results and incrementing the highest asset number. pros: Performance,

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Implement an ID generator?

In a few use cases, internal stakeholders have requested to create a human-friendly identifier with an incrementing sequence. For example, if creating an inventory of use cases, they would like to see “UC-00157” rather than “45fac3af-1bf3-4805-bf5a-9458f9a8a73e”. This seems relatively straightforwar


Hello Simar, Thanks for the update. Regarding the configuration properties, can you please confirm whether any changes were made to the spring.datasource.* properties? Can you please also confirm whether inside the src/main/resources folder there is

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Denodo Collibra Spring Boot Integration Build error

Hello I am trying to use the Denodo Collibra Spring boot Integration When i try to build the POM, it shows multiple errors on various methods like below :- “Method getCollibraCommunityName() is undefined for type Applicationconfig” Here are the steps i have followed so far - Installed Java 1.8 Ins


Hello Jean-Luc, Thanks for trying the Collibra Integration Library. Can you please confirm that the Spring Boot integration being referred to is the “Read from a file and import into Collibra” one? Regarding the issue encountered and assuming the abo

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Read from a file and import into Collibra

Using the Collibra Integration Library set of Java classes to access to Collibra APIs, I’m trying to build custom API-based integrations around the Collibra platform. I would need some support to import code sets and code values properly using this template. Using the template available in the mark


Hello Jacky, Thanks for trying the Cognos to Collibra integration. The issue could be that the Cognos authentication response is not as expected. To address this, can you please confirm that the active directory/user management DB is configured and t

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Cognos Collibra integration failed to connect to Cognos server with JSONException

When start the Cognos Integration component, we are getting JSONException JSONException : A JSONObject text must begin with ‘{‘ at 1 [character 2 line 1] throws from com.collibra.marketplace.cognos.component.CognosAuthentication.AuthRequired Any idea what could cause this issue?


Hello Hogan, I knew it was not available. My question was “Can it be made available?”. I would like additional dotted lines between domain and responsibility and between community and responsibility. Thanks

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Reporting on Responsibilities

I’m using Insights Reporting to try and summarise User Roles and Responsibilities. I can see direct Responsibilities against Assets but not the inherited ones for Communities . Is this a gap in the Insights data model or in my understanding? Thanks in advance.


That’s very reassuring to hear, thanks for sharing! Modular workflows is an idea that is deeply rooted in a lot of what we’re doing too. Means we’re not deploying as much new code in production with every release. Also found that a more modular appr

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Feature Flags and Workflows

With us, we find that the physical act of deploying a new version of a workflow takes minutes but the process around it sometimes takes a fair bit of time. We’ve started using feature flags to turn on and off certain features of a workflow and release new versions of a workflow without having to dep


It looks like the OMRE is just reporting on what exists in your instance. Those domains definitely exist, if you open one of the domains in the OMRE, at the bottom of the page you’ll see a link which will take you to the hidden domain. Out of curiosi

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OMRE (Operating Model Reverse Engineering)

This topic is created to discuss the current version of the OMRE ( as well as the possible improvements that could make this solution better.
