Wednesday, April 28th, 2021 2:57 PM

Trusted Business Reporting

Please enter here remarks, questions or feedback regarding the Marketplace listing Package Solution for Trusted Business Reporting

3 years ago

Hello, Could you please through some light on how to create lineage between report attributes and actual labels that we see on the report? Are those labels need to be created as Measures/Dimensions assets?

31 Messages

Hi Saumya,

I suppose using measures could be a good option, but maybe it is not the semantic you are expecting. Alternatively, you could add an extra logical layer of (custom made) “Report Label” assets with a relation to the report attributes and adjust the certification workflow to take this new relation into consideration.

Best regards,

38 Messages

3 years ago

Dear Saumya,
This Marketplace listing is unfortunately not technically supported by our support teams. You may however of course receive help from the community in this very thread.

Another option for you would be to request Professional Service’s help or Coaching.
Hope this helps.

6 Messages

3 years ago

Hi, Trusted business reporting workflow in not completely working for us. Is anyone else also experiencing the same issue.

5 Messages


250 Points

Hi Arpit, could you provide more details as to what is not working about the TBR for you?

19 Messages

2 years ago

We have updated the trusted business reporting solution with the re-importable workflows. Please do check it out here.
I would also encourage you to check out this idea and vote or add additional comments to it.
