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Search Results (52)
Watch this webinar replay: Path to Integration Innovation
The success of your organization is dependent on making the right business decisions. In order to drive these decisions you have to extract intelligence from all of your data assets. That’s why we’ve been continuing to invest in our integration program to ensure you can connect to and provide a comp
Relation 'is part of table' could not be made
I am trying to ingest metadata (schemas, tables, columns from SQL Server using SpringBoot. when I execute the code below, for some columns, I get the following error during the Collibra import when trying to create the relation between the column and the table: "The relation ‘is part of Table’ coul
Spring Boot Integration Library - missing JavaDoc (.jar) file
The documentation mentions JavaDoc.jar file to install in local Maven repository, but the file was not available in downloadable package v1.0.0 nor .1.0.2. Where can I get it?
Complete Documentation for Collibra Springboot Integration Library
Is there a complete documentation for the Collibra SpringBoot Integration Library available, apart from the PDF with examples that is provided in the Collibra Marketplace? It is hard to see how to compose items such as FindRelationQueryParams, etc. It is also difficult to see the precise mapping of
Spring Boot Application startup fails
Hi, @bas.van.reeuwijk We used Spring boot Application to connect with SAP-BO to Collibra Integration .We were able to connect with the system earlier. But since last few days we are encountering an issue. Application fails to load at startup and throwing exception for bean
Source code for Spring Boot Integration Library
I believe Spring Boot Integration Library template is available as source code . If yes, where can it downloaded from? Thanks -Rajesh
Spring Boot - Connectivity Issues
Hi, I am using the following template downloaded from the Collibra market place: sbi-template-in-memory-database-source-1.0.2 I modified it according with our use case and provided all the configuration details in the file: The project compiles correctly and starts fine. H
Error launching SpringBoot Integration Library application
I am having an issue launching my SpringBoot integration app, this was working fine until recently. This happens even with marketplace integration apps so I believe it is due to some environment issue with the integration library. This occurs on a different machine too, so is is it an issue with the
Spring Boot - Spring Security Issue
Hi, I am using the Collibra Spring Boot SDK. I have encountered an issues which I would like to clarify. Everything is set correctly in the file. I am using Collibra Spring Boot SDK 1.1.5 Spring Security The connection with our Collibra instance is successful. However looks l
Unable to connect to Collibra platform from springboot integration library
I have a spring boot application and usescollibra integration library. I am using basic auth to connect to Collibra platform. Collibra Platform version - 2022.02 for server version, and 2022.03 for the DGC Collibra Integration library version - collibra-integration-lib
Collibra Support for "Springboot Integration Library"
Hi, Is there a plan to Fully Support just the “Springboot Integration Library”. One of the concerns our development leads are having is the Supportability of the Library. The concern is this is being treated like Opensource code, but no real Opensource community created to
Collibra and Snowflake for Data Access Policy enforcement
i have snowflake data cataloged in collibra. now i want to control snowflake take access control through collibra. found this in marketplace. need more details on how collibra controls data access po
Azure Purview Springboot integration
Hello! Would it be possible to receive a .cma archive for the operating model extension for the Azure Purview marketplace integration? Azure Purview to Collibra Integration - Collibra Marketplace Thanks!
Collibra Spring Boot SDK - Disabling Connectivity to Collibra platform
Hi, I am using the following template downloaded from the Collibra marketplace: sbi-template-in-memory-database-source-1.0.2 I modified it according with our use case and provided all the configuration details in the file: The project compiles correctly and starts fine. In
Azure Purview to Collibra Spring Boot Integration Build error
Hi , I am trying to use the Azure purview to Collibra Spring boot Integration. I have done the set up in eclipse with springboot framework and trying to trigger the integration with the below url through postman : POST : http://localhost:8081/sync But it is throwing me error mentioned below , I am
Output Module to Parquet
Marketplace reference: the below error which packaging the app.Caused by: com.collibra.marketplace.library.integration.exception.CollibraIntegrationLibraryException: {"message":"An unexpected error occurred during execution."
Insights data access
Error when running Collibra Lineage Harvester
Reading documentation -as shown below see page 17 of “MKPL-Collibra-Integration-Library-v1.1.9.pdf”: The code snippet: private final CollibraPredefinedTechnicalLineage collibraPredefinedTechnicalLineage; @Autowired public Constructor(CollibraPredefinedTechnicalLineage collibraPredefinedTechnicalLi
How Refresh Conflict is working ?
Hi , I am using custom spring boot integration to ingest the metadata for report , for some of the report attribute i have description available inside my api repository, but for some report attribute i need to add description manually but i f i will run that integration again to refresh the metad
Fivetran to Collibra integration - encountering response header issues
Hi, I am trying to get the Fivetran integration working and am encountering the error below. I am not a developer but it seems to imply that Fivetran is not sending json back in the response? I saw a post about this integration from about two and a half years ago, I wonder if there have been changes
Joining Qlik Dimensions to Columns
We have successfully used the Qlik Sense community offering to harvest Qlik Sense metadata, however, …There does not appear to be enough detail in the harvested Dimension Field name (fullname or name) to provide a precise match to a physical column in the data dictionary. Does anyone have any experi