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Search Results (3)
Manta Collibra integration
Can we linked Manta lineage to Collibra data catalog? if yes, then please share on the process. Also, can anyone please share the Manta Collibra Integration Architecture or Material?
Integration of a Enterprise Data Model into Collibra
We are looking at integrating our Enterprise Data Model into Collibra. We do not have a tool like Erwin to integrate out-of-the-box. We use Enterprise Architect (EA) so it might be an API insert into Collbira,. or manually ‘mimicing’ and setting up the data model in Collibra. Anybody seen or done t
Product Q&A
Joining Qlik Dimensions to Columns
We have successfully used the Qlik Sense community offering to harvest Qlik Sense metadata, however, …There does not appear to be enough detail in the harvested Dimension Field name (fullname or name) to provide a precise match to a physical column in the data dictionary. Does anyone have any experi