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Search Results (12)
Collibra and Snowflake for Data Access Policy enforcement
i have snowflake data cataloged in collibra. now i want to control snowflake take access control through collibra. found this in marketplace. need more details on how collibra controls data access po
Multiple ways to connect Snowflake warehouses to collibra
Hey, we have 5 Snowflake warehouses and want to connect them with Collibra. But instead of making 5 different connections with Collibra, there is mentioned we could use one snowflake warehouse as master that reads from the other 4 snowflake warehouses to the master snowflake warehous and collibra o
API & Tooling
Issue with Snowflake Pushdown
Hi All, I am trying to create a Data Quality Check on Snowflake Tables, My Column Names are like "First Name", "Last Name" , "High School" etc ( placeholder), when I try to create a DQ Check , with pushdown enabled, Collibra DQ transform's the column name to First_Name, Last_Name etc, then trying t
Use cases
Dependency 'io.swagger:collibra-core:1.0.0' not found
Hi Collibra Team We were exploring this marketplace listing and received below error : Dependency 'io.swagger:collibra-core:1.0.0' not found for following dependency: <dependency> <groupId>io.swagger</groupId> <artifactId>collibra-core</artifactId> <ve
Collibra Protect Bi-Directional Integration with Snowflake
Hello, @sweeti.ranjit from Great American Insurance Group has the below questions regarding Collibra Protect. Would you be able to help us address? Thank you in Advance. Snowflake Could you also find out with the Snowflake Product team if I can implement the attached docume
How to add Release notes section to our Data Warehouse asset page
Every week our data warehousing team release updates to our data warehouse (Snowflake) and I want to store and maintain all release notes within the data warehouse asset page within our platform. Any guidance on this is much appreciated.
Data Catalog
Pulling Tags from Snowflake to Collibra
Hi everyone, What is the best way to pull the tags that are applied to attributes (schemas, tables, columns) in Snowflake data source and map them back to their corresponding attributes in Collibra? Is there a custom integration needed to achieve that? What level of access does the service account,
Metadata Integrations & SDK
Technical Lineage issues with Snowflake
Hello, My use case is to connect to Snowflake and get the technical lineage information and publish in collibra. I’ve configured the lineage harvester tool as per documentation provided on link(
Use cases
Auto-mapping source tags into asset attributes?
Hi, novice here. I'm looking into auto-mapping our Snowflake source tags to Collibra attributes. Our source tags and 'description from source system' ingestion works fine, but I need to copy or map specific tags into specific asset custom attributes (Classification, PI Flag, etc). I assume th
Collibra Data Lineage
Please post here your remarks, questions or feedback regarding the Marketplace listing Collibra Data Lineage
dbt incremental models with the Snowflake technical lineage connector
We have recently deployed the snowflake technical lineage capability via Edge. We're using a JDBC connection in SQL-API mode. We have a number of teams using dbt for transformation and we've noticed that technical lineage doesn't always work for incremental models. I'm not sure but this
ETL Integrations
Pulling Source Tags from Databricks to Collibra via Edge
Hi, I'm a new Collibra Dev. I'm wondering if there is a way for us to sync source tags from Databricks to Collibra via Edge? I saw a few documentations that we can only ingest source tags only from Snowflakes. Is this still true today?
Data Catalog